Kindergarten Story Time

I am officially on vacation from work! We are spending some time with my family for Thanksgiving. Today, I went to the kindergarten class where my mom is an assistant teacher and had story time with the kids. As soon as my mom asked me to come read to the kids I jumped at the chance. How can you pass up those precious little kindergarteners? My mom said they were totally blown away that she had a daughter who was married,  let along 24 years old. They were so sweet to me and loved the Thanksgiving books I read to them.

 I asked them what they favorite Thanksgivng food was and got about 20 responses at once, ranging from turkey, to mashed potatos, to pumpkin pie, to mashed potato ice cream (umm, what?!). I read them 3 books and each one was a hit. They were so attentive while I read. They all really loved the Silly Tilly book. Based on the reaction the title got, I believe they must be a series. Have you heard of them? When I was little it was all about Clifford and Henry and Mudge. Pinky and Rex were my personal favorite though. What was your favorite childhood book series?

The class put on a Thanksgiving Play about a turkey named Hank this afternoon for their parents. They were SO exited. They each wanted to tell me their role in the play. At the end of story time, they all, in unison, told me Happy Thanksgiving. Priceless. I just love little kiddos. They made my day and I hope this post made you smile, too.

